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Navigating the Energy Transition

Notch Capital makes equity investments and provides insight to navigate the biggest changes the industry has seen in decades. Our team brings deep industry and finance expertise plus an understanding of the developing state and federal regulations impacting heating and cooling companies. We recognize the importance of diversified distribution channels in the home heating fuels sector and seek to be on the leading edge of practical environmental responsibility.

Protecting Your Legacy

We seek to invest in companies with a desire to do more – effectively by taking aspects of their businesses up a notch. Our preference is to keep sellers’ management teams in place and provide the capital and guidance necessary to help them grow professionally. You have worked for decades to secure a legacy in your region and our desire is to protect it.

Two men shake hands across a conference table while a woman looks on with a smile on her face.

A Connected Network and Deep Industry Expertise

We are constantly expanding our advisory ties to provide the benefits of a powerful network of executives and thought leaders who serve the industry. If a new product, service or technology will provide our platform companies with a competitive advantage, we will bring the resources to bear.

A man looks at his tablet while typing something on his computer. He has four monitors set up that are tracking some trends.

Invest in Your Future with Notch Capital